How Does SEO Work and 6 Reasons Why It's Essential for Your Business

It is true that you won't convert leads if you don't rank on the first page of Google.


It is true that you won't convert leads if you don't rank on the first page of Google. It is true that you won't generate enough revenue if you don't build a profound online presence. It is true that everything else would go in vain if you keep away from investing in SEO.


After all, you can't build a house on sand, or can you? Everything else, including paid advertisements that you commit to for building a sustainable online presence, is momentary. The only thing that stays and matters is the website's relationship with the search engine.

If the foundation of the same is strong, the building is naturally worth creating value and vice versa.


In simple words, SEO or search engine optimization is the foundation of your business's success on Google, Yahoo, and Bing. Every website that endeavors to rank on the first page must abide by the best SEO strategies.


How does SEO work?


A step-by-step guide:


  • The search engines and, in particular, Google is fond of feeding valuable information to the users. For that, Google matches the user's INTENT with the most credible CONTENT.
  • This credible content is identified based on RankBrain's (Google's Algorithm) semantic crawling or, let's just say, meaning-based analysis.
  • To appear as a candidate for selection, websites are optimized by SEO professionals according to Google's preferences.
  • This optimization is known as search engine optimization. That's it! You might ask about Google's preferences; actually, you should inquire about them because understanding them is of utmost importance for your business.


As of now, there are five significant aspects that Google Search takes into account for ranking the websites:


  1. Meaning of the search query
  2. Associated relevance of the web pages
  3. Quality of content on the website
  4. Cross-platform website usability
  5. Context and settings - details like location


Now, the best thing for businesses is that they can have direct control over 3, 4, and 5 and an indirect adherence to 1 and 2.

