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Demands for Women Rights Must be Broadened

Faisalabad Administration has not allowed women to stage protest against the femicide trends, women rape and killings. Women wanted to register a protest against the recent move agaisnt women. Within past few months in whole country women have been raped, disgraced and killed.

The protest was aimed to boast some vital 20 demands to be noted and fulfilled. Few ones are:
1. Women and transpersons be provided protection;
2. A Toll free Complaint system be developed for registering complaints;
3. Women Complaint Cells be established, and which must be headed by women;
4. In police transpersons should also be recruited;
5. Implementation of laws be made against violation of women rights, child abuse and child as well as underage marriage;
5. Domestic violence be taken into account.

These all demands are genuine, lawful and not in contrary to any prevailing law and Constitution. 1973. Therefore, one is unable to understand that why administration of Faisalabad City didn't allow the rally of women for their above and other demands; especially when administration always allow political, religious parties agitations, and even religious celebrations gatherings besides epidemic spread?

Women should also include some logical and authentic demands in the list of their demands.

Till there is no ban on feudal and tribal lords to participate in elections, there is no hope for betterment. Women must understand besides that very man who kills or rapes a women or a child, it is the feudal and tribal system-prevailing narrow culture that creates a mind set, which never allows women to wear a normal Pakistani dress, even in tribal areas, and let-women-education permission. It is not the face of a PM or President which makes Pakistan New, Islamic or People republic, or democratic, it is the society and culture which germinates under the feudal and tribal lords governance. Even the Pakistani businessmen, traders and other people from civic life have attained orthodox mind-set.

Therefore, women movements should broaden their demands, and include a clear demand that there should be forthwith ban on participation of feudal and tribal lords or their sponsored faces in elections of every level. People of Pakistan will see when women will make such demand/s too, and join their hands with working class, then all present parties will stand against them, religious, democratic and all others blands.

It will show the genuineness of their demands, then.

Ammar Yasser
2 August 2021
