There's a chance that a solution to this is coming soon

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The truth is, this might make it one of the funniest Diablo 4 Items gaming stories I've ever heard and one of the best chef's kiss moments for the gacha/p2w business, utilizing one of its worst offenders, Diablo Immortal.

Although it's been determined that it could take upwards of $100,000 to max out a single character in Diablo Immortal by gambling on and leveling high rarity gems, few people actually went and spent that. It's not like everyone did, and, now, it seems that he's spent all that time to make his character as powerful as is possible that the game's PvP matchmaking engine is no longer able to discover anyone else to place him with.

This happened to Jtisallbusiness, who spent $100,000 to play his Barbarian as much as was possible and ended up winning so many games that the game just...stopped even with him due to his insane MMR, and he says he'll sit around for 48 to 72 hours in the hope of another game. He uploaded the video below asking if it would be possible to try and get a reimbursement for the $100K account as this part of the game hasn't was able to serve him effectively. It is currently averaging 1.5K users who like it and 15,000 dislikes. he's not finding much of an interested audience.

There's a chance that a solution to this is coming soon, as Blizzard has expressed concern about the issue that certain players have difficulty finding matches in Battleground PvP in the last month, and after an entire month, Jitsallbusiness said Blizzard finally did get back to him. But what isn't clear is what happens when they start inviting him back into Diablo 4 Boosting matches with such a good character, and if it's even possible that he'll lose the amount he's put into.

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