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Ever since a Conservative government under Margaret Thatcher started denigrating the concept of teacher-assessed coursework, until Michael Gove finally abolished GCSE coursework in 2013, there has been a common thread to such attacks, namely the unfounded myth that teachers cannot be trust


Braindumps certification England’s exam regulator Equal was riven by uncertainty and in-fighting with the Department for Education before this year’s A-level and GCSE results, with the government publishing new policies in the middle of an Equal board meeting that had been called to discuss them. Minutes of Equal’s board meetings reveal the regulator was aware that its process for assessing A-level and GCSE grades was unreliable before results were published, even as Equal was publicly portraying its methods as reliable and fair. The minutes also show repeated interventions by the education secretary, Braindumps certification Gavin Williamson, and the DfE, with the two bodies clashing over Williamson’s demand that Equal allow pupils to use the results of mock exams as grounds for appeal against their official grades.

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