How to Learn: Pretty Much Anything

Student life is full of complications.They can take the help assignment help services and make their academic life easy. Today, we are going to discuss the importance of academic life in a student life.


A lot of us want to learn new things and acquire great new skills, but often we lack the motivation to do so. Which brings up a lot of good questions, like: So therefore: Chapter 1 It's important to address Procrastination first because odds are you are going to learn something new right now But you don't actually like the idea of learning something new and there's an actual reason for that. When you learn something new it actually adds a bit of stress to your mind. It's the same area in your brain that activates pain and that goes off. So because of this the idea of taking some time to learn something can give you anxiety Because why would you want to do the equivalent of hurting yourself? So the best solution to all of this is... Just start doing it. And that almost sounds too simple, but it's really important that you learn how to take initiative. It's important because you can fear doing something all day or for several days because you keep thinking "Well I just need to find the right mood for it and then I'll actually do it." but really you just need to start doing it because no one else can do that for you. And once you have started doing it all that pain and discomfort actually goes away. You move past it and it's over.

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You're now in the learning zone and it's a lot easier to get back into it the more frequently you get over this threshold. But then there's another problem. Once you've started doing something you're going to run into some problems And you're suddenly going to switch your attention to something else. Something frustrating or negative happens and it breaks your momentum. So because you're not reaching the reward you had anticipated your brain goes for something short-term But instead you just have to do it again You have to find your initiative again, and you have to remember that while it's easy to get short-term satisfaction from Instagram, Twitter and video games, it's all the stuff that's fun in the short-term But what you're actually doing in terms of studying and work is going to lead to long-term satisfaction So yeah That was easy If you want to get down to one learning actually is, it is a cell in your nervous system called a neuron and information flows from one neuron to another neuron through a synapse and your brain has a billion of these synapses So don't worry about it.

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You're not suddenly going to go. "Oh, I have zero point one gigabytes left in my brain I- I guess I'm never learning anything again. Bye everybody." Whenever you are learning something new your brain creates more synapses So there really is no limit to how much you can learn. But that said it is still important that you take rest You can't cram every single thing into your head immediately, because you need to take some time to memorize and process these things so you actually remember it. Learning is repetition and relearning the things that are kind of fading away in your head is important, because you need to strengthen these connections in your brain. Your brain is really good at remembering things but it remembers things based on how important they are. So if you have forgotten something, it's probably because you didn't really have a need for it.

One way to approach this with something like drawing is not by tackling everything like anatomy, perspective and color theory at the same time, because that's just too much. Instead tackle your biggest flaws right now. That is how you establish the need for learning. And when you read a book for something like anatomy don't just read from page one to the last. Use the pages that you actually have a need for right now, and go back to those pages again when you need to relearn it. But the number one priority that comes to remembering anything is actually sleep.

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